Our T.R.U.S.T. family has expanded once again! 🙌
The fall 2020 semester greeted us with challenges as our campus leaders seek to reestablish a commitment of service to their campus community and beyond while changing the mindset of college-aged students from apathy to empathy. The effects of COVID-19 has shifted traditional ways of conducting campus activities as well as interactions with their peers. Nevertheless, they are making it happen... and our membership recruitment numbers prove it!
Join us in welcoming our new and returning campus members to T.R.U.S.T. in the comment section below! Be encouraged to also read why they chose to join or rejoin us:
The T.R.U.S.T. campus membership enrollment period for the fall 2020 semester has concluded. The next T.R.U.S.T. campus membership enrollment period opens during the spring 2021 semester.